Playing Ball With Boloré: Understanding Geo-Politics

All roads now seem to lead to state house. A French Foreign minister comes visiting followed by another by the Swiss Ambassador to Yaounde.

Both countries diplomats are battling for their respective investors to win the concession contract to manage the Douala Port terminal.

To the ordinary eye, these diplomats are just bearing messages from their respective leaders. Far from that. Blogger, Abel Kam knows the intrigues going on too well.

Read his soul-searching analysis about the geopolitics at play, with France’s Bolore connection.

“…Some still think that the world works as in their dreams, our universe is a battlefield where everyone must irrevocably protect their interests.

Stop reading and / or listening to the empty rhetoric of our populist opposition who deceives themselves to hope for a piece of the cake. No African and even French government can win in the current state a fight against the Bolloré empire, stop fantasizing.

We have long believed that Gaddafi was above the colon alas, he was not yet a real threat and / or a brake on their ambitions: the Libyan desert today is one of the largest rear bases of terrorism, he plays an important role in the assault of jihadism against certain states considered rebellious … Bolloré exists well before democratic France, Bolloré is not only an economic and industrial firm, Bolloré is a way of thinking colonial and / or imperialist established after the traditional colonization to fix this control to the evolution of the world: where the new geostrategy implemented by conflicts provoked to loot.

“Let’s take a few examples of how the world works: As a reminder, the US has a radar that can detect and trace the path of an aircraft entering the ground; how is it possible the disaster of September 11, 2001? Was it a shot of the boxes to promote the sale of new weapons and test them in Afghanistan?

How to assimilate that the army deploys so quickly in so-called enemy territory with a strategy that makes think a great and long preparation?! In 2004, on March 11th, the most cruel attack in Europe since 1988, took place in Madrid more precisely in the suburbs * it killed 191 people and wounded around 1800 … This attack took place 02 months after those of the USA of 2001 whereas, the Islamic State underwent the attacks of the American planes and soldiers.

Some would say that it was a coup of the networks of the lodges to favor the entry of Europe into the war against the supposed * terrorism. Moreover, they chose a territory in the suburbs as to talk about collateral damage (for those who know military and diplomatic jargon).

“Remember World War II, the nuclear attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: were they to destroy a Japan whose evolving military power tended to be a threat to the US or to win the war?

Those who took the time to observe carefully will tell you that American soldiers won the battle, the Japanese army retreated, with time it would capitulate. But, it was necessary to test the new nuclear weapon and, at the same time, reduce a great potential adversary to silence. The stakes were too high to have a heart.

I told you here, the sale of weapons is the most profitable business in the world of drugs (say you have found the cure for AIDS or that avoids malaria to occur repeatedly and, if you are still in life, look if you are not dreaming), everyone can make the link and the report in order to ask mature questions: if the wars were to stop, how will they sell their weapons?

There are empires that have been in arms for centuries, ask Mr. Obama what he suffered for wanting to legislate a law to limit the sale of weapons in the US.

Dear All, the world functions as in our daily relations: You have something that interests me, I work of all the machinations to appropriate it to me even if you are dead, it is without scruple the world needs to aeration.

“To return to Bolloré, remember him, without an emotional spirit, he can finance a conflict throughout Africa and watch you slowly destroy yourself, you still have that spirit that allows you to handle with ease: you believe that a politician is the one that will change your lives. The world is not a charity pen all dear.

By encouraging ambazonia, Boko Haram, you are taking advantage of these big international firms. However, the state of Cameroon by putting enough pressure could get Bolloré the same offer as the new company that wants the Port Authority of Douala.

The visit of the French Minister carried this offer and other things that will be visible in the coming weeks … Geopolitics needs emotions only to enslave the emotional.”

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