Issues related to poverty and wealth especially their uneven distribution have preoccupied mankind for generations.
They have been generating debates, economic analyses and studies as well as contributing to the generation of civil strife, revolutions and wars across the globe. Even the flow of development aid and the rapid growth of charity organisations have not done much in closing the poverty gap. Rather, lip service to poverty alleviation has been readily available and in abundance. As if to add salt to injury, the Coronavirus struck. Economies virtually collapsed, many businesses closed and jobs were lost in millions. Not so strangely enough, many billionaires multiplied their billions.
Several studies agree. Rand Corporation’s Jason Ward and Rebecca Kilburn in The Lopsided Telework Revolution observe that the effects of COVID19 have exacerbated inequality trends already in motion, adding that those who are so badly affected are mostly essential workers in low wage jobs in which telecommuting is almost impossible. Marco Hafner et al also of Rand Corporation describe a vaccine nationalism that is costing the global economy $1.2 trillion a year in GDP. And Chuck Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies writing for CNN Business shows “extreme wealth inequality”, calls it a “preexisting condition” and warns that unless we “act intentionally” in reversing inequality, the pandemic recovery will supercharge our existing inequalities in income, wealth and opportunity.
So having established that COVID-19 is widening the poverty gap and making an already bad situation worse, it means that someone needed to do something in line with what Collins means by acting intentionally in reversing inequality. And then….

In these circumstances, it now seems increasing evident to me that when, in mid 2018 or thereabouts, a certain Ash Mufareh (an IT and E-marketing guru) nursed a business idea which morphed into an Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Information Technology (IT) company called ONPASSIVE, the problem of uneven distribution of wealth was a key part of his thinking. Or, if this was not the case at the very beginning, that component certainly worked its way into the scheme of things as the organizing principle while the structures of ONPASSIVE gradually took shape.
In other words, Mr Mufareh and ONPASSIVE made bold to begin laying the groundwork for addressing this tricky centuries-old problem of poverty by injecting humanity into the business planning and structures in ways that are smartly innovative and morally upbeat.

THE VISION ONPASSIVE is, admittedly, a massive business idea which includes dozens of IT products and portfolios all driven by AI. Its products and services amount to a Total Internet Solution; a One-Stop Shop, so to speak. A few questions inevitably arise if one must understand Mufareh’s vision in ONPASSIVE. Is ONPASSIVE open to the highest bidder? How does it distribute its profit? Is the CEO inclined to accumulating profit as part of the race to head the list of the world’s billionaires? Or is he looking at other higher human ideals? Can he do business the way other big tech companies are doing and expect different results?
Apparently, ONPASSIVE’S vision is embedded in these questions and and shows that innovation is Mufareh’s thing. He kept ONPASSIVE away from the millionaires of Wall Street and opened it up to ordinary people in the nooks and crannies of the the world, in 212 territories, states and countries, then offered them founding positions at just $97. Most tellingly of the vision, he devised an innovative payment plan which is limitless in its generosity and completely automated. The plan shares wealth in a way that increasingly creates millionaires in the world. It is designed to speak in a way that assures those who are less fortunate that financial independence is possible and achievable and that business, especially big business, can indeed have a human face. And that humanity is observable in the company’s content, context and structure.

ONPASSIVE’S top brass and other associates have frequently referred to Mr Mufareh as “a man with a heart” they have come to know and to love.They also refer to Onpassive as a company with a heart. So who has the heart, the man, the company or both? It sounds convenient to assume that the heart left the man for the company. However, it is also probable that the man assembled a business idea that would make money in ways different from existing models. Perhaps the only model that surfaced was one that could do things differently for different results with a human face. Assuming that this was the case, one can proceed to say that the original humane idea in what initially appeared may have triggered Mufareh’s own humanity.
Whichever way your thinking may take you on this, what is important, even at this moment of ONPASSIVE’s prelaunch is that the humane is undeniably evident in the man and in the company. Both the hearts of Mufareh and ONPASSIVE shine their light of humanity on each other and by so doing manure themselves for growth and sustenance. In effect, ONPASSIVE has settled fairly firmly on the vision that sharing wealth with a large community of founders and resellers around the world in a fair, equitable and generous manner is much better than occasional charity and hand outs.
Mr Mufareh himself has emphasized this point more directly. Accumulating mountains of wealth in the midst of generalised poverty cannot give genuine satisfaction and fulfilment. Impacting lives does. And ONPASSIVE, with humanity already in its DNA, seems set to do just that.

ONPASSIVE is in the finishing stages of prelaunch. Will its presence be a paradigm shift? Can it influence in a significant way the manner in which business is done on/offline? Can it impact the world economy POST-COVID? In other words, will it be business as usual?
The tendency is to assume that nothing will change considering that human nature is more keen on grabbing and keeping than otherwise.
Notwithstanding the precedence that exists, I invite you to look at a few indicators that ONPASSIVE is likely to position the world where we may witness a shift in a different direction. One of its leaders Dr Bill Williams has gone as far as to say that it’s like resetting the clock to point zero. Whether Dr Williams’s optimism will go full circle remains a real possibility.
But it is important for us to note that in all of this, the company’s size is an important factor.
ONPASSIVE is already valued as a unicorn company while still in prelaunch. There is no precedence to this record. It brings together all of what the world currently knows as IT products and portfolios, developed from the ground up using AI. Again no precedence! It’s a one-stop shop for IT products, integrated into a single sign in and ONPASSIVE is the first to attempt this. Also, the company has incorporated a certain humanity into its thinking and structures that is witnessed by a virtually unlimited payment matrix and a lot more.
Above all, ONPASSIVE currently encourages and accepts founders who are essentially poor, ordinary people from all the nooks and crannies of the globe.
With all this in view, there is a reasonable basis to believe that there will be a major realignment of all the IT forces already occupying the terrain. Said differently, there will be a fierce struggle for space. And such a struggle, triggered by ONPASSIVE’s entry is what a lot of people anticipate as “a shake up of the internet”, “an
internet earthquake” or “an internet revolution”.
More importantly, ONPASSIVE’s human face component, evident in its generous compensation plan, is likely to be replicated around the world and in a variety of fields. Others may do it not necessarily out of their own volition but because public pressure will mount for big companies ( which hitherto hoarded wealth) to revisit the way profits are shared. Furthermore, all it takes for others to follow ONPASSIVE’s direction is for the company to show success. And I dare say that the shift will be massive, after all, success they say, has many friends. That’s probably when the rest of the world will begin to understand ONPASSIVE’s concept, vision and impact as a paradigm shift. CEO Mufareh has alluded to the possibility of “giving birth” to several Mother Theresas in several places, a reference to the possible changes that these “births” imply for those places and the new direction.
The idea of replication is very important in reasonably understanding ONPASSIVE as a paradigm shift or as impacting the world economy in a direction not evident before today.
An individual or company, for instance, inspired by ONPASSIVE’s model or pressured by the public to be more humane or even just the urge to be competitive can do so according to its size and space. That space can be a household, a neighbourhood, a village, a town, a country, a sub region or a continent. Imagine that in the private sector the ONPASSIVE model is replicated in all fields and spaces and across the board. And think of the drastic changes in the lives of millions of people working in the retail chains, the hotel industry, in banking, in the auto industry, the airlines, etc.
Again, imagine the example of ONPASSIVE influencing governments to be more people friendly and to open up affordable shares with generous commissions in state owned companies to its workers and other poor people.
In addition to their salaries, the shares and their commissions will make their lives more meaningful in a significant way.
Equally envisage a situation in which a mine worker in South Africa or Zambia, a plantation worker in Cameroon’s Agro-industrial complex (CDC) or a security guard/worker in an oil company in Nigeria owning shares in such companies and receiving part of the profit they toil daily to generate. This can be huge! This can be a seismic shift in economic terms!
Mr Mufareh has repeatedly said that ONPASSIVE is bigger than he thought, bigger than he sees and bigger than most people can appreciate. My own testimony is that I initially intended to write a paragraph or two in anticipation of “an ONPASSIVE Effect” but ended up with several paragraphs because there was an urge to keep writing in spite of what I actually set out to do. I eventually forced myself to a stop. Truly, ONPASSIVE’s potential for growth is simply incredible.

They will certainly be quick to tag plans at sharing wealth in a more equitable way as communism or a branch of it. I call it fair game. Mufareh and ONPASSIVE are putting in place “fair game” and I am pretty sure that the rest of the marginalised world will see it as such. In the same vein, Mr Mr Mufareh has appealed to ONPASSIVE’s close to 500,000 founders to use part of their commissions to create Mother Theresa impacts in their communities, in short, to play fair game. Inevitably, ONPASSIVE will get bigger and bigger in content, quality, quantity, vision and, above all, in its humanity. And in doing so, will more likely than not, carry along the rest of the world with it.

Apart from investments that boost jobs, there will be more financial independence, increased confidence and more and more control over their political lives.
I venture to add that the ONPASSIVE revolution promises to be better in its results than the decades of development schemes that often ended up being entangled in the web of corrupt bureaucracies or mismanaged by government ineptitude. It also means that within the next decade millions of founders and resellers finding themselves in the money because of ONPASSIVE, will be directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of new investors, new investments, new jobs and new charities in the world.

It must be said in very plain terms that someone needed to take that moral bold step and address the perpetual problem of inequality in wealth distribution. He is taking the moral high ground, reminding the rest of the world that the current business model which gathers wealth into a few hands is no longer sustainable. It needs a serious rethink. In fact, money grubbing should end.

ONPASSIVE is offering founding positions which are at the reach of nearly everyone at a modest $97. Apart from that the company is also giving them enough time to make good this modest once-in-a-lifetime out-of-pocket payment for life long monthly residual income. This way, Mufareh, ONPASSIVE and top aides believe that no one who signs up is left behind.