Here is the full version of Macron’s Declaration on Cameroon
“You know my commitment on this subject. I put pressure on Paul Biya to deal with the problem in the English-speaking area and his opponents first. I said, I don’t want to be seen with each other in Lyon until Kamto is released, and he was released because we put pressure on him. There the situation is deteriorating.
“I’m going to call President Biya next week and we will put as much pressure as possible to put an end to this situation. I am fully aware and fully involved so that the violence which is going on in Cameroon and which is completely intolerable will stop. I’m doing the maximum.
“France has a complicated role in Africa. We are a state of law. France is still caught in a complicated role in Africa. We are the rule of law and we defend the rule of law everywhere. But when in Africa France says that such a president is not democratically elected, Africans say, what do you want to get involved in?
You don’t have to teach us lessons. I say everywhere, I want democratically elected leaders, and where they are not, I will work with civil society. I put pressure on everyone and I work with the African Union and regional organizations to put pressure.
[…] “On President Biya I told him, he must open the game, he must decentralize, he must liberate the political opponents, he must enforce rights. I will do everything in my power to make this happen. You have to know that. Except that it’s not France that will make democracy in Cameroon instead of Cameroonians.”
“We fund projects, we don’t give money to a president or a government. If you have any hijacking topics, let me know. Starting with countries like Cameroon, we need to finance NGOs, people who are in the civilian population. Can you give me names of opponents imprisoned in Cameroon]? If I say yes, I will forget about them. I will not lie to you. I would prefer someone to write them down for me and give them to my Africa advisor.]
(He actually looks for one of his collaborators to take down names from the activist.)
Well, in the end, Emmanuel Macron is proving that he governs this country, Cameroun. Our own president is therefore only a sub-prefect who takes direct orders from President Macron.
So why won’t the Cameroonian people take home the message that their ountry is only a district in France?
Politics for politicians.All what is needed in Cameroon today is peace peace nothing but peace for a better living conditions to all Cameroonians.
Biya remains the student of France since he himself once declared ” Je suis le meilleur élève de Chirac”