South West Region: The sick man of Ambazonia

No one could have captured it better than RTT Supreme court chief justice Ayah Paul Abine.

Read his fascinating description of the Controversial or confusing stands of the ever shifting South West elites over the years.


There seems to be broad consensus among informed observers that, by their responses in the last decade to situations of big moments, the Southwest has voyaged from fickleness through nervous depression to insane delusion. A random selection of some such responses would amply substantiate our statement and mitigate our apparent hard assertion.

Within the month of PA Ayah declaring his intention to run for the President of the Republic in 2011, some fiction called Southwest Forum was hastily convened to DISOWN him in favour of one Paul Biya who later became Biya Paul.

A few years later, the Southwest, from credible intelligence reports, petitioned against PA Ayah for pleading the case for a ten-state federation. In the result, Pa Ayah was abducted and he suffered false imprisonment for close to eight months without charge.

Continuing their arrogation of representation, Pa Musonge, without mandate or any opinion survey whatsoever, sooner proclaimed in absolute terms that the overwhelming majority of the people of the Southwest were for DECENTRALIZATION.

When Cameroun declared war against the people of Southern Cameroons, (Ambazonia), another fiction, styled Southwest Elite Mega Meeting held, calling on the Camerounese Government to substantially increase the military presence in the area. The honest among them would confess that there followed the massacre of innocent, unarmed civilians; the razing down of scores of villages; the burning down of health facilities; and what have you!

When military reverses impelled the calling of the so-called National Dialogue, the very Southwest, to the general bewilderment, made a strong case for the very ten-state federation for which they had instigated the clampdown on PA Ayah. And, in order to prop up their case, they publicly denied that the Northwest has ever been part of Southern Cameroons and/or West Cameroon!!!

While they are today still licking their wounds over their failure to obtain a federation in the face of the imposition of DECENTRALIZATION by Yaounde, some of them from Lebialem Division, who are refugees in Yaounde, have called for increase in the military on their land. They are categorical that their desire is to see the annihilation of their own very subjects, (presuming they are real chiefs), popularly known as the RED DRAGONS!


In a certain epoch in European History, Turkey was known as and called THE SICK MAN OF EUROPE. Not too many reasonable people would contest our referring to the Southwest today as THE SICK MAN OF AMBAZONIA!


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